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About Missy

Missy Naughton
Missy Naughton
I have extensive education and over 20 years of experience to help others live happy and healthy lives.

I am a disabled veteran (US Army) with over 20 years of experience as a business owner. I am a personal trainer with a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics. I have helped hundreds of people work on their nutrition and overall health. Because of my disabilities, I take a slightly different approach to finding my clientele. I do this to help others find the healthy balance in their lives. By “different approach”, I mean, I do not focus on the quick fix or by just taking joy in “kicking your butt”. {Don’t get me wrong, if you want me to kick it…oh boy, can I.} I just want to make sure that what I’m doing for my clients is helping them to achieve their best health and happiness, despite what may be going on in their lives. Life takes its ups and downs and we ALL just need a little help…even personal trainers!

As the years have added up (yes, I’m getting old), I was also diagnosed with Lupus. This really threw my life for another major loop and I’m still trying to bounce back to living a healthy life. Sadly because of the extra stress on my body, I shutdown my business and made a major move. I decided to be close to family to get me through these times. Family…and a Service Dog :)

As I continue to struggle, I know that I am not the only one out there with this challenge in life. So, I thought, maybe my old days of helping people could come in handy and, once again, I could try to help others…and…in turn, they could also help me.

The #1 comment I’ve heard in my career of Health has been…“You just don’t understand what it’s like to be overweight…It’s hard”. (Just as a small tip…never say that! Two reasons, 1: Many trainers/dietitians have their own stories on how they got there and 2: That sounds like a challenge…!! ;) )

SO…I purposely gained the weight! Now…everyone can see me through the same struggle of being overweight AND disabled.

Yes…fitness, diet, and just overall health is NOT an “original” idea for YouTube and Blogs; however, I am not doing this for profit at this point (yeah, like that would ever happen). I am doing this to truly help others. Even if only one person takes this journey with me, it’s still one more person that I can help and in turn can help me stay motivated. Working through pain is VERY depressing and can cause all of us to lose momentum. Please join me in this next step in my life. And… even if you don’t take this journey with me, I’m hoping to still add value to your life as well.

…and yes, this is my real hair color.